Art Makers

A breakthrough financing vehicle and investment framework bringing to life new works of art aimed to help artists, galleries and commissioning bodies.

Art Makers

#Introducing Art Makers: a Breakthrough Funding and Investment Framework Bringing to Life New Works of Art

Last February 2021 we witnessed the launch of Art Makers, a breakthrough financing vehicle and investment framework bringing to life new works of art. The Art Makers investment model provides artists, galleries and commissioners with the ability to activate production and realise sculptural works for gallery shows, art fairs and temporary public exhibition. Art Makers' framework has grown from a financing initiative operated within UAP's business for many years. This breakthrough model leverages UAP’s unique market position, expertise and global networks to build opportunity with recognised artists working within the global art market.

Art Makers is comprised of two core investment strategies. The first pillar and primary focus of Art Makers during its initial launch is MAKE – an investment in the making of artworks. The second pillar to be initiated in two-three years is COLLECT – an investment strategy in buying, holding and selling contemporary artworks. For the launch of Art Makers, the Art Makers will use UAP’s expertise, resources and global networks for its MAKE strategy. It will establish additional global expertise specific to opportunity identification and art purchasing to build up its COLLECT pillar.

Former banking CEO, and UAP's Board Chair, Greg Moynihan says, “Ultimately, Art Makers relieve the financial pressure on artists, their galleries and institutional commissioners to finance sculptural works for exhibitions, temporary public opportunities and art fairs, and so activate the production of work that would otherwise be delayed or never realized."

“This creates a strong growth opportunity for Art Makers which is supported by increasing interest from financial managers in balancing traditional investment portfolios with a component of art investment. Selected investment in arts can provide both valuable portfolio diversification and positive returns over time.”

"The Art Makers investment opportunity should be attractive to investors seeking a high yield coupled with security over a selected portfolio of outstanding artworks. We expect that it may be particularly attractive to art lovers and like-minded investors,” added Greg Moynihan.

Catapult Partners has been appointed to raise capital through the issue of secured loan notes in Art Makers. This a unique opportunity for investors to access an unparalleled investment class-leading to strong impact investment characteristics while generating a financial return. If you would like to know more about Art Makers investment framework and be provided with an information memorandum, please contact: Catapult Partners, Jess Luther at

For general and media enquiries please contact UAP and Art Makers' Head of Marketing and Communications, Gilbert Guaring




UAP,与Future Normal和Carbon Footprint合作,推出艺术品成分表——一个计算艺术品碳排放量的工具

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